• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Where are you living and what is the magical date?

    Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!

  • Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?
  • future mrs B

    by having it engraved, he can never forget what date we got married...

    we are also having traditions from both countries/religions, think it will make us all happy...

  • tree

    yeah us too. although the swedes seem to have more traditions than the brits!... but thats true on th whole i think!

    i think we will do a festprogram also... perhpas with 1 or 2 songs... but we haven't quite decided for sure yet... and the open ivite for speeches too... in england only brides father, groom and bestman give speeches usually...

  • future mrs B

    we talked about a program as well, probably just say something about the people at their table, the menu, what the bands name is and a bit of histoy about the surroundings where we have the reception

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Hej girls,
    No Christmas shopping done this weekend but I did some cleaning and a couple of candles and candle holders found their places.
    Ah, and my h2b tried my fresh made Lussekatter for the first time ? he liked them but he won't become a fan of Knäck.

    He has told me about another English tradition I'd need to check with you first. Not we (bride + groom) are dancing the first dance but our parents (my mum + his dad, my dad + his mum, in our case my h2b's sister). Is that true? Not that I would mind, I like the idea anyway, but it would be nice to know if it really is an English tradition...
    My dad is going to walk with me down the isle, too. This is very important for my h2b - it is strange, he is not a very traditional or conservative person but some things regarding the wedding just have to be a certain (traditional) way. :D

    Morning gift: He will get one gift directly before the wedding: cuff links with the families' coat of arms engraved. He knows we have ordered some for his dad, he doesn't know yet that he will get the same. For the morning after D-day I am thinking about two tickets to a Liverpool football match (I know, not the most romantic idea but I can promise he would appreciate it), or a Secret Box. I also liked the idea with an engraved compass in another thread... Another idea would be a puppy. He has "asked for" a new dog since his last died but the circumstances haven't been ideal. Now it would be ok, but if as a morning gift it would rather be a gift voucher first ? for a puppy when we come back from honeymoon.

    What we also will have (which he doesn't know) is "Just married" t-shirts. But that's not really a morning gift as I will have one too. I also thought of the idea having shorts printed with "Property of [me]".

  • Nattson

    I have brought two champange glases and engraved our names and the date on them. He will get them on the wedding day so that we can drink champange from them.

    I might make a sign that says Välkommen till our names, with room for our future childrens names... ( if we get any)
    We will move to a hous i february so I thought that it could be nice with a "Välkommen" sign.

  • 4:e Maj

    No morgongava for me as he is british but it doesn't matter as he is normally really good at presents.

    I've got all the christmas presents sorted! Yes, I knew you would be impressed but it's only because my sister (plus husband and baby) is off to Australia next week, I'm going to Sweden for a pre-chriustmas celebration on wednesday and h2b arranges those for his family (from both of us). I'll do all the wrapping whilst having glogg, pepparkakor och julmust (all from ikea).
    It's my first christmas over here so we are going to have a real tree and decoration.

    Will have a festprogram with one line about everyone and how they are related to the bride or groom in brackets. Haven't been to many swedish wedding so I really need some inspiration.

  • Billa

    My gingerbread house is done now!! Is not a traditionel gingerbread house, I made it look like a fortress from the middle ages! With 4 towers! I've put a big "värmeljus" in the middle so it will be soooo pretty when it's dark!
    I'm going to do santa and santas wife some day this week!

  • 4:e Maj

    Billa - do you use a patterna or just make them up as you go? Also, do you do your own dow or by from the shop?

  • tree

    strange about the dance order there.... bride and groom always have the first dance!... then the bride with her father! i have never heard of the parents having the first dance! that would be peculiar... i mean... the day isn't about them! hehe

    sounds like you have some lovely gifts planned everybody! i like the idea of just married t-shirts!

    and also some nice ideas about the festprogram contents... i haven't thought so much much about that yet, so it was thought provoking to read all your ideas!

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