• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Where are you living and what is the magical date?

    Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!

  • Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?
  • Nattson

    We will have a few "festprogram" in english so that the english speaking relatives understand what´s going on.

    Billa, wow I remember my first gingerbread house. ha ha it was a disaster and I burnt my fingers on the sugar that you are suposed to use as glue. I dont think i´v made one since ha ha

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri: He explained it is a symbol of two families 'becoming one' - but there is a big chance he's pulling my leg again...

    Ah, yes, I also thought of a 'welcome' sign for the door. The one we have now is ugly but it doesn't make a lot of sense to replace it as our name (well, my name) will change in March...

    I would love to go on with our festprogram but not a chance at the moment (too much work, yes, what am I doing here?!). The ideas we have so far is:
    * welcome and thank you
    * guest presentation and seating arrangement
    * menue
    * lyrics of our song
    * some differences between Swedish and English people
    * our horoscope (my h2b is a big fan of horoscopes, though he doesn't believe in them, he just likes reading them :D)
    * what the emergency boxes in the rest rooms contain and phone numbers to the nearest hospital and taxi companies
    * some funny wedding related comics and/or jokes and/or sayings

    Ok, I really have to get back to work now. Can hear the deadline banging on my door...

  • tree

    nice fest program!

  • Billa

    4:e Maj, I draw a pattern on paper first. I allways make my own dow! This time I read the recepie kind of strange, som I doubbled the amount of spices! But it got even tastier then!!

    I'm going to take a picture of it when my H2B comes home, he has hiden the camera! Maby I could get a picture so you can se it!

  • tree

    i think he's making it all up as he goes along! perhpas you should find yourself a book on planning an english wedding! hehehe

  • 4:e Maj

    NuÄrDetDags - Nice fest program. Was also thinking to do something about the differences between english and swedish people. I'm planning to start drafting ours over christmas as well as agree the wording of the invites.

  • 4:e Maj

    My h2b keeps saying that it's normal at english weddings that people sit with other guests they know but I don't agree - who is right? We were at his sister's wedding last month where we sat at the 'family' table with all their cousins, uncle and aunts (nice peopl, it's not that). There then another family table for the grooms family, a uni table for friends from university, a tennis table for friends from tennis etc.

  • tree

    4:e Maj
    table setting is something that i am not sure about. perhaps this webpage has some tips... www.youandyourwedding.co.uk
    i think we will group freinds together, at least in half tables, if not complete tables. guests will have more fun this way rather than mixing up childhood freinds with work colleaugues and grannies etc!

  • tree

    for you girls living and marrying your guys in sweden...

    i think we english have to have some paper from england to prove we are free to marry... i.e. not marreid already... do you know where we get this paper form?

Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?