• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Where are you living and what is the magical date?

    Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!

  • Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?
  • 4:e Maj

    Yes, h2b parents are v generous. We are paying for our clothes etc, rings and gifts.

  • tree

    my clost freinds (maid of honour) has been 4 times, another with her fella has been 3 times, and another friend once... not bad in 1.5 years! family havenät made it over, parents in usa though, and brother...well he's just a typical younger brother!

    i don't think iäd ever want to go back to england. i love it here so much. but i do miss my freinds. it takes alot longer to get to swedish people to the same depth as english poeple i think... so i just tell myself to be pateint!

  • tree

    missing owrd there... i meant.... to get to KNOW swedish poeple

  • 4:e Maj

    4 and 3 times in 1,5 years is very good! My fiends have each been over around 3 times each in 10 years. I think that the friends one makes as a growen up is so different from those from childhood. My childhood friends I've known for 25 years and are almost like sisters.

  • tree

    actually i moved around alot as a child so i donät have childhood friends, but those from university i have are really good. and i've been very lucky that they have enjoyed their trips so much so they they all want to come back again! and they all live in london so itäs easy for them to get here too

  • Hanban

    Hi all
    Know what you mean Terri, I lived in sthlm for about 8 years and didnt really have any close "girl friends" there. I made friends mostly with other brits and americans etc - guess coz we were all in the same boat - living abroad etc. Now I am back in the UK I think its just as hard to make friends as it was with the swedes.....think it takes a while to get in with a group etc.....

  • tree

    i guess it does. when i moved to london i knew only 2 poeple and they lived on the other side of town. but work was very sociable and we had afterwork beer AT LEAST once per week, usually twice!... and by the time i left after 2.5 years i had some really great friends.
    been here inm stockholm now 1.5 years and although everybody at work is really very nice and we do have occaisonal after work activities, it just isn't quite the same. people i have met all grew up here or studied here and are not interested in making new good freinds as opposed to acquanitences. but i am very thankful that i have such nice colleaugues anyway!...just wish it'd go once step further sometimes...

  • Nattson

    Hello Girls!! :)

    Altough I´v lived here all my life I still think that it´s hard to make friends with sweeds... I have two close friends that are sweeds one I met in school and the other one at work.
    I would love to make new friends, so Terri I´v posted my e-mail address here. So if you want we can xchange phone numbers. It goes for all of you, just dropp me a line :) I cant remember if anyone else livs in Sweden too?

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Yes, making friends... That is our main problem since we moved to Sweden (and actually the main reason for moving somewhere else). We really miss going out for a dinner with nice people, having a laugh and stuff like that (especially my h2b who cries for the pub culture ;)). We stay in contact with all our friends via telephone and emails but of course it is not the same... We made the decision to move to a smaller village on purpose (it was a cheap way to find out if everything works out) but now ? as we know it does - I am really looking forward to move to somewhere with more "movement" after the wedding. As we are both working from home it is not as if we get to know new people in real. The butcher is nice, though.

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