• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Where are you living and what is the magical date?

    Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!

  • Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?
  • **Future Mrs L**

    Very excited that I've just spotted this post! I'm English and so is my future husband and we're both living in Gothenburg. We've been here 2 and a half years and are getting married her next June. It seemed easier to have the wedding in Sweden due to planning, the lower cost and the fact that Sweden feels more like home!

    Hello to all you other English brides!

  • 4:e Maj

    Welcome! Sorry for being nosy but what was your reason for coming to Sweden (apart from it beeing such a wonderful place, yes, I'm a bit homesick)?

  • **Future Mrs L**

    4:e Maj

    My boyfriend spent 1 years working here after university while I was still in England. He then moved back to London but we got fed up with the price of living in London, so when he was offered his old job back in Sweden I came too! We really love it here and are so excited about family and friends from England coming over for the wedding - can't wait to show off Sweden to them!

  • tree

    Future Mrs L
    welcome! nice to hear from another english bride... even if you are marrying an englishman! everyone here is swedish exceot me and nattson 8although she has lived here all her life so is basically swedish!)

  • tree

    4:e Maj
    was there some particular reason you asked me about the thread? us both being foreigners perhaps in our mens countries?!

  • 4:e Maj

    terri - Yes I think so although I afterwards thought that it should have been to everyone. I've luckely got over my 'moving home to Sweden crisis' and hope it never comes back as it can tears your inside as well as your relationship a part.

  • 4:e Maj

    **Future Mrs L** - Tried to convince my h2b to have a wedding in Swewden as well but he really wanted it in London so I said ok in the end (his parents are paying for it which helped).

  • tree

    4:e Maj
    i felt a bit homesick this autumn. itäs tough not hvaing my good old freinds around to help me with the wedding planning. i have freinds here in stockholm but htey are of course not so close and not so interested either! but like u, i think i am over it now... we'll see i guess!

    nice that yoru m2bs family pays for the wedding! super!

  • 4:e Maj

    terri - I get a bit homesick from time to time but nothing remotely close to how I felt a few years ago when seriously considering going back (before I met h2b). I sometimes remind myself that I would probably not be going 'home' more often than now had I lived somewhere in the north of Sweden (e.g. Umea). Have many of your UK friends been to visit?

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