• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Where are you living and what is the magical date?

    Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!

  • Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?
  • sherlock


    My mum lives in Solna, or Råsunda to be precise. We always stay with her when we visit sweden and my husband would love a flat in Solna, particularly in the new Filmstaden area - gorgeous old style new flats and a little squeare with cafes etc.

    I like shopping in solna centrum, a bit sad perhaps but it is just big enough for me.

  • sherlock

    future mrs B

    Hello! We live in Watford north west of London. How about you?

    have I met you before in MonicaS old thread for swingish brides? Looked for her thread a while ago but couldnt find it.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Yes, terri, Karlstad is Värmland, not Skåne.

    "Can we not meet somewhere in the middle (my h2b shouts from the office)? Not that we mind travelling." :D

    Funny, we were talking about going to Stockholm at some point (we were actually disappointed about that we only need to go to Gothenburg for this English hindersprövning thingy :)).

  • tree

    welcome everyone!

    wow! kind iof neighbours!.. we live in västra skogen just above pampas marina! i know what yu mean about the shopping in solna centrum. it's fine to kill a couple of hours but not nearly good enough if you want something special... but then, kista isn't so far away!

    Susanne, Lund
    aha! not so hot on my swedish geography... improves with time though!

    future mrs B
    thast tough! i have 2 bridemaids. i went shopping wiht them a few weeks ago since itäs the only likely time i'll have them both together. they must have tried on 30 dresses in 3 days!... the last one was perfect! it's by alfred alfonzo... it was quite expensive though BUT i can get in the usa for 1/4 the price! so i hope to order them this week! i had one size 12 and one size 14. the size 12 has quite an athletic straight body, adn the size 14 has a large bust a tiny waist so it really wasn't easy!

  • future mrs B

    yes sherlock I think you did... i live in Kent, south east. close to dover... so we live quite close...

    dress hunting here I come!!!! talk to you later, if I'm not too tired when I come in.

  • tree

    oops... it was alfred angelo actually!


    in wine red... the colour here looks mroe like pink when you select wine but it really looks like wine red in relality...

    the other will have this one i think (i am waiting for her to confirm her choice!)..also in wine red.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Hehe, that's one of the reason we don't have bridemaids.

Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?