• Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2
  • mjaumjau

    hey ladies! i'm quite new to brollopstorget but thought i'd join in here - i'm swedish but my boyfriend (who this summer will be my fiance :D) is english, and we live in hull where we have a house together.

    i have indulged in some silly bridal mags today to dream away a bit... haha, and we're not even properly engaged yet. but my boyfriend just thinks it's cute thankfully!

    the whole culture over here is so much more understanding of wanting to get married, in sweden it only seems to be ok after you\ve turned 30. i'm quite young (turning 21 this summer, he is five years older) but here, i don't have to worry about people's reactions!

    oh i am just so excited! since i'm a student we will be on a bit of a budget, but thankfully it does seem doable! we are going to get married in stockholm as that is where i'm from.

    i read today the average wedding costs around £21 200! :o have any of you even been close to that?!

    anyway, i just meant to say hi!

  • Mrs. 170307

    Hi mjaumjau and welcome!

    Well, you are not 'properly engaged' yet and I am already married so what are we doing here?! Hm, in my case, I just can't let go of all the nice brides 2 b.

    Don't know where you got that average amount from, to me that sounds very, very, very unusual. We also kept a low budget - got everything we wanted the way we wanted it for about £5,000...

    Happy planning!

  • Mrs. 170307

    Oh, 4:e Maj: Another name for England is 'Rip-off Country' but I always thought that is just when it comes to hotels and cars... Well, as we also had to pay £100 in the English embassy in Stockholm it might also include wedding related stuff...

  • tree

    you are very welcome to join our crowd! have you picked a date for your engagement yet or will your m2b suprise you?

    our wedding in total inc honeymoon and all rings is on the other side of 200000kr!... so i guess thats about £14000! we will have saved about 150000kr ourselves and the rest is bidrag from parents and hopefully our wedding guests will contribute a bit towards our honeymoon!

    itäs easy to get carried away wiht all the extras you can have. i would suggest making a well organised budget with a certain amount of money set aside for each thing, i.e. party, band, fotos, flowers, dress, mans suit, everything. we did that whihc helps make the decisions easier too (less choices with a given budget). we've mnaaged pretty much to stick to the budget so far...

    one of my friends in england just got married and their budget was £20000 and aparently they blew it and ended up have to remortgage their flat! incredible!

  • Speckledust

    Hi Ladies!

    Congratulations to Tree, Mrs 170307 & 4.e Maj on your house purchases & welcome to this thread Mjaumjau

    Tree - How did the cake tasting go? We chose a scrummy white chocolate & raspberry one after our visit to the cake shop & the 4 cakes we tasted were divine, ummmm. Did your bridesmaid like her 30th present & what did you get her?

    4:e Maj - Tonight we've been deciding on the music for the ceremony & there is a hymn we are having which is known in both English & Swedish. How Great thou art/O Store Gud rosemck1.tripod.com/hgta.html We've decided upon 'Joy of Man's desiring' to come into church, played by a friend on the oboe & an organist. 'Hornpipe' on the way out. Hymns 'How Great thou art' & 'Praise my soul the King of Heaven' & we also have our friend on the oboe playing 'Gabriel's oboe' for the Intermission. We found an organist too which we're pleased about

    Hen do at the weekend was excellent! My sister did a really good job & I really enjoyed myself although my female Swedish colleagues were a little shocked at some of the things that happened or what I had been given! My sister & I had a two hr spa treatment on the Thursday & then on the Saturday we started with land hovercrafting which was really good fun, followed by lunch at a noodle bar. I was then whisked away by some friends to get ready for the evening whilst my sister & mum were secretly preparing mum's house for a pre-party buffet, so I arrived back at mums to find hen party balloons on the front door & everywhere inside the house. Had a cake made up & we had a small buffet & my sister had made up t-shirts for everyone, including my little 2yr old niece. After a few drinks I was blindfolded & then the stripper arrived & by this time I hadn't had enough to drink so it was a bit embarrassing!!(niece was taken upstairs during this part) Next I was given a big bag of goodies for the evening, won't go into the contents, & tasks that I had to fulfill by the end of the night! You all know what English hen party's are like don't you? Thinking we were getting into taxi's to get from my mums in Windsor to Reading I stepped outside to a huge white stretched limo, which took us to Reading & back home again at 3am & it was fantastic. We had a bottle of bubbly there & back & my sister had made up jelly vodka's for the journey there & had even purchased a hen night CD to play in the limo. I had a headband with L plates on & all kinds of things attached to me (balloons, huge blow up willy I had to carry all night, badges) & we all had a great night. I'm just waiting for all the pictures & video clips to be sent to me now I hope you all enjoy your hen do's as much as I did

  • tree


    wow! what a wild day u had! i can only image the tasks you were 'forced' to do! hehe

    we also decided on a white chocolate and rasberry mouse cake! delicious!

    i had a listen last night to a selection of music samples online for ingång and utgång... i have to find the sheet music soon and send it to my friend who will be playing it on her flute... still can't decide... it's so hard!

  • tree

    hello girls!

    what an exciting weekend! i decided how all teh flowers should look for the wedding and booked a florist... www.brollopstorget.se/Forum-1-24/m2193837.html

    i also tried on my dress compelte with tiara, veil, shoes and underskirt... så verkligen fint!... it took ages to fit the underskirt so that the hoops were all the right size and the dress held the right shape... but we managed! it looked super... the shoes i had bought though were too high for the my dress... so i bought new ones! found some Rainbow shoes from a girl here on BT for 500kr. very nice, and 2cm shorter heel. now i will sell my other ones. hehe size 38... i'll put up an add in a few days.

    also had a busy weekend getting our apartment ready to sell. went to ikea to buy some lamps and rugs for the hall as the home stylist suggested, it looks 10 times better! don't know why we never thought about fixing up the hall ourselves! also cleared the bookshelves and took stuff up to the attic... still lots to do but it'll get done. moved the photography appointment till thursday so we have a few extra days.

    anyone else done some fun wedding stuff?

  • Hanban

    HI all!

    Well, back at work now after the hols, eurgh! We were in sthlm 2 weeks ago, met the vicar and the photographer! all coming along nicely! This morning we went to the Registrar to notify them of our marriage so we can then get the certificate that the sweden office needs. Also picked up our wedding rings....only 4 months to go!! yippeeee! Oh...got my shoes too...also Rainbow Club!
    Enjoy your week everyone!

  • tree

    kul... which shoes did u buy? i have yasmin... would have prefered darcy but the heels were also too high for my dress!

    i will apply fro the hindersprovning in may... after i ahve lived here for 2 years... perfect timing. 4 months and 2 days left! 124 days to be precise! got 6 more rsvps today too! very cool...

    can't wait to order my ring. we'll do that some time in may. have u tried it on often since u collected it?

  • Hanban


    I went for the Daphne shoe...love it! John Lewis stock them now so I got them from there....

    Rings...hehe, we have been quite good and not tried them on too much. We are having them engraved next week...not sure with what though just yet....

    Yep, we think we have timed it all right - we will get the Hinders thing at the end of May ready for August. Is it just a case of turning up at the office do you know or do you have to book a time?

Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2