• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    wow thats soon! how exciting! your english looks just fine to me! do u live in stockholm?

    it's funny, i started this thread to chat to other swinglish couples and hoped i might even find some other english brides... but everybody here is swedish with english men!... i guess any english brides marrying swedish men haven't discovered this site or aren't brave enough with their swedish! oh well... i found good company anyway!

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    yes we live in solna. 18/8 is the big day for us. quite a way to go, but still busy with everything. i am struggling with the guest list right now. we plan to send the invites out end of feb/beginning of march so the guest list is the most pressing matter just now. it's really tough with the last few places for the reception. (we will invite more to the after dinner party as well, english style).

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    4:e Maj
    super with the upgrade! better hope there are some rooms available then! where r u going? we havenät decided yet. maldives or seychelles we think... but u never know!

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    i don't want to post names here but he works at CERN and is from skåne and she is from Luleå

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    19/01 är vår 5 års dag! kan jag komma ihåg rätt?... hem finns i skåne? eller hur? spännande med huset!

    jag hittat ett par skor i princessa oops... english here...by Rainbow, model called darcy... very nice and comfy but 900kr! i tried to find some in the usa. there were loads so cheap, but they were all so uncomfortable!

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    nixa, thanks fro the tip... i althink confort is way more comfortable, and like you thought to die them black afterwards! i also thought about dance shows, i had some made in london fro about £50 so that is also an option... but not suitable to keep afterwards...only for the dancefloor! heavenly shoes they were called.. in west london...

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    i checked out the nixa shoes... similar price to rainbow...

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    Hi NuÄrDetDags!
    welcome back!
    lots going on with me too! we actually booked our honeymoon yesterday!... 2 weeks in mauritius... leave 4 days after the wedding. thast so exciting! i can't wait!
    we have been doing some vigsel planning too with our vigselför... she made contact with us and asked about languages of this bit and that etc... so we had to think about this carefully... we also looked at some vows... and had to suggest some songs for the ceremony!... we picked 2 frank sinatra ones which she agreed to do... she is an actress and will sing for us too!
    we r trying to finalise the guest list. it's so hard! i have decided to invite some of my friends from england to the service and after dinner party only... not to the dinner... this way i can invite some of my friends from work to the dinner too... otherwise i won't have any of my swedish friends at the dinner... hmm... it's hard... it meant i was forced to select some for the dinner from my english group of friends and some from my work friends... the rest we will invite to the ceremony and after dinner party... hhmm... it feels mean, but thats how it is....
    and i am almost finshed with the website now... we r trying to get it done in time to send out the invitations... we figured that'd be when most pople will look at it, so we should make sure it's as ready as possible with the important information etc...
    hhmmm i think thats about it!

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    yeah nice tip for the websiteehuh! hehe it's been a lot of work but we r pleased with it. and hopefully it'll make our travelling guests feel more comfortable about their trip.

    i could meet up tomorrow i think! not sure m2b can, think he is working late...

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