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  • NuÄrDetDags

    Engelska bruda?

    I like Birkalåten and Rid i Skog and I could do with something out of Lord of the Rings. I also think Enya or Clannad have some beautiful songs which may sound nice on a flute and/or violin...
    Then we only need someone to play them.

    My h2b's first wish is the Liverpool FC anthem or the The Simpsons theme - i love him to bits but he can definitely forget both of them. :D

  • NuÄrDetDags

    We just got to know that they have closed the British Embassy in Gothenburg so now we have to go to Stockholm in January (what a pity :D). Can anyone tell me if it is complicated to get from Cityterminalen in Stockholm to the Embassy?

    And by the way: 1200 SEK for this English piece of paper?! They certainly know how to make money...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Ah, that doesn't look too complicated, thanks to both of you!

    £250 only for getting married? Is that because it is the Swedish church in London or is that a general fee for getting married in England (just curious)?

  • NuÄrDetDags

    I wouldn't call it pretending, am doing loads of important things - though not mainly work related (eg looking for christmas presents ).

    And shouldn't you, terri, be in bed rather than in front of your computer? ;)

  • NuÄrDetDags

    I think I will also have a snotty one at home in a couple of days... My h2b is complaining it is cold but I have put the heating on more than 25 C so it is everything but cold in here!

    I think he just doesn't want to go to the baptism we are invited to on Saturday. Which reminds me I promised to bring him a cup of tea...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    :D Yes, I have got some instructions (honestly, I don't taste a difference but that might just be Swedish me ).

    Good luck at the post office!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Oh, I wouldn't do my dad a favour with that book. :D He got so stressed only thinking about the speech part that we have decided to drop it.

    Actually, he is the only one I can't find a christmas present for - which is starting making me nervous...

    Here it has been dark the whole day. At the moment we can usually switch off the lights at about 10 am, today we had to leave them on...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri: Well, I don't know your dad (obviously), might not be a problem at all, but maybe it is good to talk about it upfront.
    I never thought my dad would get really upset about holding a speech but it turned out that the thought was "awful" to him. He thought we would expect a certain speech with a certain length and I don't know what. We never said anything like that - he kind of made up his own expectations and put himself under enormous pressure...

    It took a while but now he has understood (I hope) that we don't care what he says - and even if. If he is not comfortable with it, then he doesn't have to. He wouldn't disappoint us or what. We want him to feel comfortable, even if that means he doesn't want to hold a speech. Family is strange sometimes.

    I wish we could look forward to some time in a sunny area - but we will probably not leave here before January (where we have to go to Stockholm, which probably isn't the sunniest place to be in January :D).

    I don't really mind the darkness, have put up more christmas candles. Though it is strange to spend the whole day in romatic candle light...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Hej girls (are here any men reading? ),

    I see you all are busy as bees again.

    Our wedding plans haven't moved one step the last days. We had a busy weekend with a baptism and a birthday and now clients are going crazy because they ? completely out of the blue ? need translations done before Christmas? But actually I shouldn't moan, it's not too bad when all the money one spend on Christmas and Christmas presents comes in quickly again.

    But, I just realise, it is not quite true, there has been a new decision: I was not sure if veil or no veil but this question was answered as we were watching a film and there was a bride in it. My h2b said something like: "She isn't wearing a veil, does it not look as if something is missing?" So, ok then, I will get myself a veil.
    And: we have found a bakery where we get the wedding cake (the famous one) for 760 SEK instead of 3700 SEK, which we were offered first. It is almost unbelievable that something gets cheaper than you expect!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Yes, that with the cake was a nice coincidence: we had one at the baptism, also a princess cake, with blue coating though and a swan. It was great so we asked what they paid: 190 SEK for one (14 pieces/cake)! Sometimes it is good living in a village rather than a town.

    And the veil, now I only have to decide which and what. I have found two styles I like, which one would you girls choose:

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