• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    aha! so simple... the hinderprovning...that we get from skatteverket...is that 3 months before the wedding?... so perhpas i should go to the british embassy a month or 2 before that?

  • tree


    this suggests that i can apply directly for the hindersproving from skatteverket IF i have lived here for 2 years... that won't be until end of april next year... thats still 4 months before the wedding...

    for any others out there... if your m2b hasnät lived here long enough it says you apply for the cert. of no inpediemnt through the consulate and the diplay somehting fro 21 days, and then it can be issued to take to skatteverket

    ok, seems to be straight forward enough...

  • tree

    teh webpage above says that the hindersprovning is valid for 4 months... thats a bit better!

  • tree

    mmm i was just reading the skatteverket webpage about applying for the hindersprövning and that says it applies to swedish citizens only... but then goes on to say that foreigners living in sweden have to do it too... hmmm... i think a phone call to skatteverket could be useful just to verify that we brits don't need the consult paper too!...

  • tree

    the veil... it's not a english/swedish thing... the veil covering the face is what the veil is designed for... it's a symbol of innocence and being unseen/untouched!... in sweden they haven't used it much at all, but it is more common again now but more as an assessory so many chose to wear it just at the back... according tot he lady in the wedding store here anyway!

    i want to start on the invitation text, but this needs input from my m2b to discuss the tone we want etc... and is very busy at work lately... feels a bit crap actually, but oh well... soon christmas and then i'll have him all to myslef! anyway, perhpas i shoudl just start writing some examples in differnt ways... in english... swedish ones can come afterwards! we plan to send them in the mother langugae of each guest!

    i discussed the contents of a fest program yesterday and he agreed to everything... hhmm... men!

    i am also fed up at work!... i guess the world can tell by how much chatting we do!

    nice idea with the love letter for you m2b... would he be embarrassed for all your guests to read it too?

  • tree

    i havenöt decided about the veil...i think itäs quite romantic but i would want to be able to look at olof prperly when we say our vows... do you think it would be weird if i uncovered it for the vows rather than waiting until afterwards?

  • tree

    yes i think that sounds like the perfect compromise with the veil!

    i am supposed to be reading an article about a new project starting up at work too.. cnaät face it eaither... wedding planning is much more fun! hehe...

  • tree

    and i still have 8.5 months left to go! hehe

  • tree

    what a loveyl wedding homepage! have you made it all yourself or is there a formulised webpage where you add everything you want to say? i like the daisy path to the wedding day in particular!

  • tree

    wow! i wish i could make webpages... hhmm... perhpas this my opportunity to learn! it's certainly motivation enough!

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