• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    i know it's crazy! it makes it even more important to get on the plane first so you can have your bag nearby!

  • tree

    time for a cup of tea i think! mmm

  • tree

    what are plans for the weekend?

    m2b is away today for sporting activity and won't be back till late.

    i'm going to practise curling my hair today and see how long it lasts! and later i will meet another b2b and drink some wine! someone i met here on BT!

    tomorrow looks like nice weather so plan to go to nacka for a walk around some lakes... take some fika!

  • tree

    advent is a religeous ceremony so many poeple in england wouldn't know about it. i went to a catholic school for a few years when i was young so i know that they do it!

    i will put up our advent candle light thing this weekend and our other christmas decorations and tree next weekend... in england we like to do it around teh 1st december!

    we drink mulled wine at christmas time which is basically glögg! and often that is with mince pies... which i hate! i don't like any dried fruit so no christmas cake, mince pies or christmas pudding for me!

    we will have the swedish christmas things, glögg, pepparkaker, julmust and julöl!

  • tree

    your freinds surely have! i'm sure they all had advent calenders as a child!... one with a 25 'doors' with a chololate or a picture behind! they just don't know where the term Advent comes from!... religeous history is long forgotten in modern english culture.

    its the same with our bank holidays. they are always on mondays so the original meaning of the holidays is forgotten!

  • tree

    we will go to my parents in the usa for xmas so since we wont see m2b's family they will come here for a long weekend the weekend after next. thats why i will put up the xmas stuff next weekend (or there abouts) so that it feels festive when they come... and we will give some gifts too so we need the tree! hehe

  • tree

    my family always put up the xmas stuff on the 1st dec when we also got our advent calenders... sometimes with chololate in them! it feels so cosy i think in the dull dark cold month of december!

  • tree

    yeah..i know... but i think the calender is a childrens development from the religeous countdown of lighting candels on sundays!

  • tree

    morning all!

    have you all had a nice weekend?

    any christmas shopping done?

    any wedding plans made?!

    i did a little xmas shopping for my brother, and even a little window shopping for me m2b!

    i also tried on some wedding rings... i am now convinced of one i found before and tried it again! it's perfect!

  • tree


    my mum is alos making our invitations! she sent me a picture a few weeks ago whihc was nice but i had to softely suggest a slight variation on the theme which wasn't taken so well... but then afterwards she thought it was much nicer! phew!

    she is busy making them so that we can collect them when we see her at xmas (they live in the usa). we will help her make the rsvp cards over the xmas holiday too.

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