• 4:e Maj

    Engelska bruda?

    Billa - do you use a patterna or just make them up as you go? Also, do you do your own dow or by from the shop?

  • 4:e Maj

    NuÄrDetDags - Nice fest program. Was also thinking to do something about the differences between english and swedish people. I'm planning to start drafting ours over christmas as well as agree the wording of the invites.

  • 4:e Maj

    My h2b keeps saying that it's normal at english weddings that people sit with other guests they know but I don't agree - who is right? We were at his sister's wedding last month where we sat at the 'family' table with all their cousins, uncle and aunts (nice peopl, it's not that). There then another family table for the grooms family, a uni table for friends from university, a tennis table for friends from tennis etc.

  • 4:e Maj

    Been away for a couple of days but I'm now back in front of the my mum's pc here in Sweden.
    She and I went looking at wedding dresses and I think I've found the one at Kik but have to do some more looking next week before returning to the UK. It's so much harder than I ever imagine.

  • 4:e Maj

    Typical! For how long have you been back in Sweden?

  • 4:e Maj

    Was catching up on the last couple of days chat and we (read I) have also decided that we are not going to have a fruitcake as I really dislike them so much. My h2b loves them but he will just have to eat lots over Christmas instead

  • 4:e Maj

    Haven't tried the julmust chicken but the coca cola ham by Nigela Lawson is lovely!

    Going to Stockhol next week to look at wedding dresses, any shop what is recomended?

  • 4:e Maj

    Thanks, sounds like a good place. Househunting it to tempting yet exciting! I'm currently looing for a holiday home somewhere 1,5 hours deom Stockholm and it's so tempting and easy to get carried away...

  • 4:e Maj

    My mum and I are off to view a 3 bed house this afternoon near Arboga (to be used as a holiday home by the family) and it's so exciting! I've always been wanting to have a base here in Sweden and it's now happening (sort of anyway).

  • 4:e Maj

    My h2b wants Jerusalem as one of the hymns and I want Jesu joy by Bach as walking in or out music. Struggling to find english hyms that exists in sweden. Can't do 'Harlig ar jorden' as it was played at my grandfather's funural or Morning has broken as it was used at h2b's sister's wedding last month.

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