• Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2
  • tree

    Hi Speckledust
    long time no hear!

    no photographer yet... we found 2 who werenät booked... one is too oexpensive and the other doesnät seem to understand what we are asking fr. she has quoted us a 4 hour package twice now when we are onyl looking for 1,5 horus to take pictures during the ceremony and mingle! hhmmm... our original during our ceremony though but not the mingle... so i guess we have him as a back up plan still... we'll see!

    had the first visning of our partment yesterday. it was so much work getting everything reayd for it. second one tonight. 9 people have registered their interest so far so cross your fingers for us! bidding will start tomorrow i guess... i'm so nervous!... i'v had a neck ache and belly ache since yesterday!... how am i supposed to do any work!

  • Mrs. 170307

    Speckledust: Not much time left now ? which means my birthday isn't far either (2 days before your big day)! Are you starting getting nervous or are you more tired from all the cleaning?
    6000 kr for flowers ? my husband would have dropped dead!

    Thanks for the link! Maybe I will try them the next time, though they don't deliver bacon to Sweden? I wonder, why. I mean, they do deliver to Switzerland and the EU ? but not to Sweden or Finland, strange?

    tree: Sounds rather complicated with your photographer? Has the original one not offered any alternatives yet? Stupid people.

    I feel with you regarding aches and pains: we have been cleaning and painting the whole weekend, my back and neck are hurting so much; I don't know how to sit.
    Sounds exciting with the bidding ? we keep our fingers crossed that you find proper people with a big wallet!

  • mommy2e


    Speckladust, my big day is on the 18th. The venue we wanted was taken on the 19th and then we thought 18th would be as good especialy since the 16th is a bank holiday in Sweden and a perfect day for my crowd to travel over. Some of them are teachers so even better, they have Friday off too!

    Just have to tell you I got a really nice surprise last Friday. 8pm a big bunch of woman rang on te door. Time for hen night! It was really nice. One of the mums in my mummygroup had organised it all. We went to a pub in the village and had a lovely dinner and lots to drink. They also had made a quiz with questions to my h2b to see if I got the same answers. A perfect evening no silly games or anything. Just had to wear a veil but I survived that!

  • Speckledust

    Yes, good luck with the house selling tree!

    Mrs 170307 - Not nervous yet, altough I will be the week leading up to the wedding I'm sure. Have my hair & makeup consultation on Monday next week so I'm quite looking forward to that How much did you pa for your flowers? What about the rest of you, do you have a price for your flowers yet?

    Glad you enjoyed your hen party mommy2e I thouroughly enjoyed mine too!

  • Mrs. 170307

    Speckledust: I didn't get nervous before we arrived at the chapel - the week before I was far too tired. So maybe, maybe your last week won't be that nerve-wrecking. Though I don't wish you to be that exhausted either...

    Hehe, we paid 300 kr for bouquet and corsage. That he could live with.

  • Mrs. 170307

    Speckledust: Admittedly, I haven't really got a clue. I had already decided not to have a bouquet at all but on the morning of the wedding day our Maid of Honour went to a flower shop and made them do a small bouquet for me and a corsage for my husband - as a surprise for us.

    Today I got a tracking code for my parcel from the British Corner Shop - it's on its way here! Can't wait to see J's face when it arrives and he opens it! .-)

  • Speckledust

    That was really nice of your maid of honour to do that for you

    I'm sure your hubby will be thrilled to bits when he opens the packet. I remember when we first moved to Sweden & hadn't been back home for 5 months. I ordered over £100 worth of goodies & at the time the postage was on offer for only £5. We had it delivered to work & were so excited (salt & vinegar crisps, english chocolate bars, chicken tonight honey & mustard sauce, Christmas crackers as it was Xmas time) These days were in the UK so regularly & they are selling more & more food in Sweden that we missed from the UK at first like mini shredded wheat, naan bread, poppadoms, Robinsons squash & Highland shortbread that I haven't ordered from them for quite some time!.

  • Mrs. 170307

    Yes, it really was a nice surprise!

    J is quite happy about that he can get things like HP brown sauce or naan bread at the local ica but he is whingeing about Swedish gravy and that he can't get salt & vinegar crisps and mint sauce and chocolate and tea and... and...

    Now I just have to put a zipper on my mouth so that I don't spoil the surprise before it arrives.

  • Nattson

    I wonder if anyone has any sugesstions on english psalm´s ( or are they called hymns? )

    Tree, how is it going with the flat?

Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2