• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    have any of you thought about morgongåva for your men? i know traditionally that the man gives one to the woman in sweden (perhaps you will all miss out on this since you have british guys )... but what do you think about doing it the other way around? it seems to me that we women get a pretty good deal of the wedding... i mean, fancy dress, nice new jewelery and underwear, diamond rings.... i thought about giving my man something special... is that a bit weird?... has anyone else thought about doing this?

  • tree

    hi girls... looks like we r thinking alike which is super!
    i can't say what i was thinking because m2b sometimes reads this page! hehe...

    rather than ogin down the 'isle' with your m2b your dad could give you away... that is an english tradition... i will do this!

  • tree

    we girld on BT are full of ideas for eachother huh!

  • tree

    yeah us too. although the swedes seem to have more traditions than the brits!... but thats true on th whole i think!

    i think we will do a festprogram also... perhpas with 1 or 2 songs... but we haven't quite decided for sure yet... and the open ivite for speeches too... in england only brides father, groom and bestman give speeches usually...

  • tree

    strange about the dance order there.... bride and groom always have the first dance!... then the bride with her father! i have never heard of the parents having the first dance! that would be peculiar... i mean... the day isn't about them! hehe

    sounds like you have some lovely gifts planned everybody! i like the idea of just married t-shirts!

    and also some nice ideas about the festprogram contents... i haven't thought so much much about that yet, so it was thought provoking to read all your ideas!

  • tree

    nice fest program!

  • tree

    i think he's making it all up as he goes along! perhpas you should find yourself a book on planning an english wedding! hehehe

  • tree

    4:e Maj
    table setting is something that i am not sure about. perhaps this webpage has some tips... www.youandyourwedding.co.uk
    i think we will group freinds together, at least in half tables, if not complete tables. guests will have more fun this way rather than mixing up childhood freinds with work colleaugues and grannies etc!

  • tree

    for you girls living and marrying your guys in sweden...

    i think we english have to have some paper from england to prove we are free to marry... i.e. not marreid already... do you know where we get this paper form?

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