• 4:e Maj

    Engelska bruda?

    Hope you all had a good Christmas. Has anyone started their 'fest program'? Seen several in Swedish but would really like to see one in English. I've done the list of who's who (been quite at work between the holidays) but that's as far as I've got.

  • 4:e Maj

    terri - it sounds wonderful!

  • 4:e Maj

    Nattson - Remind me, which month are you getting married? Was planning to despatch our invites 1st week in March (8 weeks before) but that might be late? My mother-in-law-to-be thinks it's more than enough but being the bride I worry of course...

  • 4:e Maj

    I've got a pair of lovely Svenskt Tenn candelholders (ljusstakar) from my h2b for Christmas which are absolutely lovely. Got myself a George Jensen braclet from myself for part of my bonus.

    Was told yesterday when booking the hotel for the honeymoon that we will have a free upgrade providing there are free rooms which I'm really hoping there will be. Guess I will also mention when checking in at the BA desk that we are on a honeymoon...

  • 4:e Maj

    terri - we are going to Rome as neighter of us are in to beach holidays. Yes, one of the better suits better be free...

    Feel rather calm at the moment as most things are now sorted apart from stationary (mini panic), flowers, shoes and underware. By the way, I'm going home 19/01 to see a house as mum has plced an offer, so exceting!

  • 4:e Maj

    No, Orebro (fly SAS via Sthlm). Looked at Rainbow too and quite like a few models. Was also thinking about confort verses price and decided that I don't want to be in agony. They can always be died black if I wish afterwards. Nixa's is surposed to be very confortable as their main shoe buyer is an ex ballroom dancer and have tried and tested them all.

  • 4:e Maj

    Thanks, will check them out. Was also thinking about ballroom dancing shoes as they are v confortable and actually quite like wedding shoes in terms of colour and declorations (with diamonty etc if one wish).

  • 4:e Maj

    Terri - nice website!

    We were initially not going to have any favours but have now decided for a lottery ticket (placed in a small envelope which will double up as place card). What do you all think? It might need to expain what it is to the Swedes.

  • 4:e Maj

    Was only thinking of explaining when it is and how to check if they have wone anything.

    Was actually talking to John about engraving the other day and he is not bothered so we are either going to leave it blank (yes, perhaps a bit boring) or just have our names and the wedding date.

  • 4:e Maj

    Terri - think you might have confused me with someone else (unless either of them are from oebro or live/work in north London!)...It was however nice to see what you look like (*nyfiken*).

    Currently in Sweden so I've just been to the 'guldsmed' to look at wedding bands. Will probably order them by phone and pick them up when we come in Marsh.
    Saw another house yesterday. It was v practical (5 bed 2 reception) with a view of the lake but it didn't have the wow factor so it's probably a no.

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