• 4:e Maj

    Engelska bruda?

    Interesting to read that your h2b is so interested in what he's wearing as mine isn't - 'I'll just get a new suit' was his comment. I've insisted in coming with him to the tailor ensure no turnups etc.

  • 4:e Maj

    Welcome! Sorry for being nosy but what was your reason for coming to Sweden (apart from it beeing such a wonderful place, yes, I'm a bit homesick)?

  • 4:e Maj

    terri - Yes I think so although I afterwards thought that it should have been to everyone. I've luckely got over my 'moving home to Sweden crisis' and hope it never comes back as it can tears your inside as well as your relationship a part.

  • 4:e Maj

    **Future Mrs L** - Tried to convince my h2b to have a wedding in Swewden as well but he really wanted it in London so I said ok in the end (his parents are paying for it which helped).

  • 4:e Maj

    terri - I get a bit homesick from time to time but nothing remotely close to how I felt a few years ago when seriously considering going back (before I met h2b). I sometimes remind myself that I would probably not be going 'home' more often than now had I lived somewhere in the north of Sweden (e.g. Umea). Have many of your UK friends been to visit?

  • 4:e Maj

    Yes, h2b parents are v generous. We are paying for our clothes etc, rings and gifts.

  • 4:e Maj

    4 and 3 times in 1,5 years is very good! My fiends have each been over around 3 times each in 10 years. I think that the friends one makes as a growen up is so different from those from childhood. My childhood friends I've known for 25 years and are almost like sisters.

  • 4:e Maj

    Morning! Have you shown your dress or photos of it to many? Just wondering as many of my friends and h2b's relatives like to see it and part of me whan to show it but another want to keep it a secret until the weddingday.

  • 4:e Maj

    Yes, 24 degrees sounds lovely especially as London is all fogged up (is that a word?) and 2/3 of flights from Heathrow are cancelled (spent most of yesterday there trying to get to Dublin). Luckely (?) we are staying in London for Christmas.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

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