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    Engelska bruda?

    yes i have! really sad!

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    Future Mrs L
    welcome! nice to hear from another english bride... even if you are marrying an englishman! everyone here is swedish exceot me and nattson 8although she has lived here all her life so is basically swedish!)

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    4:e Maj
    was there some particular reason you asked me about the thread? us both being foreigners perhaps in our mens countries?!

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    4:e Maj
    i felt a bit homesick this autumn. itäs tough not hvaing my good old freinds around to help me with the wedding planning. i have freinds here in stockholm but htey are of course not so close and not so interested either! but like u, i think i am over it now... we'll see i guess!

    nice that yoru m2bs family pays for the wedding! super!

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    my clost freinds (maid of honour) has been 4 times, another with her fella has been 3 times, and another friend once... not bad in 1.5 years! family havenät made it over, parents in usa though, and brother...well he's just a typical younger brother!

    i don't think iäd ever want to go back to england. i love it here so much. but i do miss my freinds. it takes alot longer to get to swedish people to the same depth as english poeple i think... so i just tell myself to be pateint!

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    missing owrd there... i meant.... to get to KNOW swedish poeple

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    actually i moved around alot as a child so i donät have childhood friends, but those from university i have are really good. and i've been very lucky that they have enjoyed their trips so much so they they all want to come back again! and they all live in london so itäs easy for them to get here too

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    i guess it does. when i moved to london i knew only 2 poeple and they lived on the other side of town. but work was very sociable and we had afterwork beer AT LEAST once per week, usually twice!... and by the time i left after 2.5 years i had some really great friends.
    been here inm stockholm now 1.5 years and although everybody at work is really very nice and we do have occaisonal after work activities, it just isn't quite the same. people i have met all grew up here or studied here and are not interested in making new good freinds as opposed to acquanitences. but i am very thankful that i have such nice colleaugues anyway!...just wish it'd go once step further sometimes...

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