• Äldre 11 Aug 11:36
    1656 visningar
    2 svar

    Bröllopslokaler i örebro, or near it!

    Hii everyone, im from Denmark and are holding my wedding in örebro or something near Orebro, like something Hallunda, Cleopatra /syrian style. The problem is that i really cant find any wedding locations beside resturants and hotels. I'm very interest to find out if there is any syrian/kurdish or persian locations, now when im Kurdish and therefore we will be needing much place for our guest and dancing:)


    Hope you guys can help, it will be amazing!

    Bröllopslokaler i örebro, or near it!
  • Svar på tråden Bröllopslokaler i örebro, or near it!
  • Äldre 11 Aug 11:57

    We have a syrian culture center in Örebro. Here's their homepage www.kulturcentret.se/
    You can send them an email under "Kontakta oss". 

  • Äldre 11 Aug 12:22

    @Linnen Hello I've crossed that link when I searched, the problem is there is no gallery. And I want to see how it looks like:) I would be very pleased, if someone had some of their pictures:)

Svar på tråden Bröllopslokaler i örebro, or near it!